wanted: teachers

Are you a French-speaking filmmaker looking to try something new? We have a long list of potential students waiting for courses to be taught.

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Tell us your schedule

Each of our courses depend on instructor availability. That means we will build a class around your schedule, ensuring that you are able to come at a time that works for you. Although we would love to have annual, predictable programming for our students, so far that has not been possible. But the good news is we are very flexible and willing to accommodate your needs. We just ask that each course last a minimum of two weeks (and as long as two months).

Tell us your specialty

Whether you’re a film studies professor who specializes in history, a working professional in a specific department, or a jack-of-all-trades teacher who is able to give an overview of the entire filmmaking process, we will find a space for you. In the past, we’ve had animators and documentarians teach courses, and are always on the lookout for Masters Class teachers to give deeper dives into writing, cinematography, editing, or any other aspect of the trade.


Want to learn more? You can read about the teaching experience in our blog, or:


teaching photos