BFC Buzz: Back to Burundi

In just a few short weeks, the Burundi Film Center hopes to once again “Inspire. Educate. Entertain.”!


We’re now asking for your help to continue the project in some very important and difficult times.

Today was a major day in Burundian history. It marked the first national Presidential elections since the end of the Civil War in 2005. However, opposition protests left only one name was on the ballot, and so political uncertainty continues.

The events have made planning difficult for this summer. I have, however, been invited to and will attend the Rwanda Film Festival at the end of July. We are therefore doing everything we can to try and maintain our teaching plans this summer.

A donations website is set-up to help make everything happen. The money is for on-the-ground expenses in Africa, with incentives for each level of donations.

We hope you can find a way to contribute!

Please email me if you have any questions.

Christopher Redmond

Burundi Film Center
Co-founder/ Project Manager
(613) 697-7946 - CANADA

Christopher Redmond